Friday, May 30, 2008

I Didn't Plan For This

I thought I had planned so carefully because I can be a compulsive planner. {Not always the best planner though.} I finally figured out where I wanted everything to go, and had planned to do square foot gardens in my planter boxes. I even went and bought a bunch of my plants.

Turns out, I didn't plan for companion plants. Now all of a sudden my sister-in-law is telling me how certain plants can't be planted next to each other, and a pamphlet from the nursery is telling me all sorts of things about what plants nearby can either help or hinder your plants.

Things may still be ok, but I have to sift through all this new {to me} information before I decide final spots for my new plants now.

My goodness! So many things to think about and figure out!

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