Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl this year. I'd really like an eglu chicken coop and some cute little hens to lay eggs for me. I asked my cute primary kids at church to tell my husband thats what I wanted for my birthday, but he didn't get me one, so now I'm asking you.

Just a cute chicken coop and two hens. The hens only make soft clucking noises so they won't wake up the neighbors at the break of dawn, and they would be so cute wandering about the yard and ever so useful with their fresh eggs and all. Oh and I wouldn't mind the above painting either. That's all I'm asking. Pretty, pretty please?




anna jo said...

pete and I want to build a chicken coop in our backyard too. hopefully it actually happens. are you zoned for it? we can build one here in the city (but not in the county, for some reason) as long as it's fifty feet away from a liveable structure and you don't have roosters, etc.

if you never get your coop, and we do, you can always come get eggs from us. it will be a chicken coop co-op--a chicken coo-op! :)

~B. said...

Oh you lucky ducks! Er, lucky chickens? I'm so jealous! I actually haven't checked my zoning yet because I can't even get an approval from DH yet but I know a lot of the older farm homes around here have them smack dab surrounded by new subdivisions so I think I might be able to get approval for it, but who knows! I'll cross that bridge if I ever get to it! And I'd love to join your coo-op!

~B. said...

Can I adopt a chicken that lives at your place? Or will you just let me name one? Actually I want to name three of them if possible. I have the best names ever!

Maren said...

Dear Becca,

Don't chickens poop? We had ducks growing up and they pooped NONSTOP and we were ALWAYS stepping in it, because it's not like you can shovel it up.

Just mentally prepare for that, that's all I'm saying.



~B. said...

Hmm...that is something to consider Maren. Maybe I'll just let Anna Jo have the chickens then! ;)

Lisa Zahn said...

I love those eglu coops too! But, we are too cheap, so hubby built the coop with salvaged materials and about $100 only worth of new stuff. It's a beautiful coop, but a lot more work than buying the eglu. Good luck with Santa!

Connie said...

I didn't check the zoning up here either but we have plenty of chickens in the neighborhood and periodically someone brings thier horse home and keeps it in their fenced yard - so I'm not too worried.

I'd want a little more coverage than the eglu, however. I suggest taking over the garage or something.