Saturday, August 9, 2008

The State of My Garden

Wow, I haven't had an Independence Days update in quite a while. I'd like to say it is because I have been so busy in the throes of preserving from my bounteous garden. But really its because my garden hasn't been doing much. Literally.

I mean, I don't even have any zucchini for heaven's sake! Zucchini!! That grow like weeds!!! It's been making me very sad.

I haven't been able to harvest anything from my own yard yet. Everything I've done has come from someone else's garden~~my cherries were from my mom's house, as were the apricots I just picked yesterday. But my yard? Well, I have ONE yellow squash that is growing, ONE honeydew, a bunch of peppers {they're the ones doing the best out of everything!} and my tomatoes so far all turned out like the above. I don't know whats wrong with them. But I must figure it out to try and save the rest of my crop.

~Sigh~ What's a girl supposed to do?


Lisa Zahn said...

It looks like your tomatoes have blossom end rot. We just threw out (into the garbage) a tomato with that. I think you need to make sure you don't compost them. Not sure what else--maybe google it?

Lisa in MN

~B. said...

Thanks Lisa, I will look into it!