Monday, September 22, 2008

Independence Days: Windfall Edition

The wind blew a bunch of apples off our tree at the duplex. Since our renters don't seem to want the fruit off the trees, we went and picked them up.

Luckily for us, the old yucky apples on the ground had just been cleaned up {seriously, about 30 minutes before the wind!} so all that was left for us were the freshly fallen and somewhat bruised apples.

After a slight freakout session but with support from my food storage group, I ended up canning 24 pints of apple juice and 16 quarts of apple sauce. And it tastes YUMMY!

It doesn't sound like too much, but I figure one quart of applesauce a week will last us about four months. And 2 pints of apple juice a week will last us about three months. But I probably should do more still. I mean, there are still plenty of apples left. It just takes a lot of time.

Now I'm gearing up to do pie filling with apples off my moms tree. And soon my grandpa's other peach tree will be ready to pick {hopefully he will remember to call us when they're ripe}, and last night he gave us a few pears to eat too. YUM! YUM! And once we hit the first frost the grapes will be ready to juice! Can't wait!

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