Saturday, July 12, 2008

Random Thoughts

Homegrown goodness from Grandma's yard

So I've been thinking a lot lately about this whole eating in season thing. It's definitely a different way of eating than just running off to the store whenever you want, to get whatever you need, no matter if its the right season or not.

I mean it requires a lot of effort, to monitor whats growing, needs to be harvested {or preserved} and a lot of creativity sometimes to figure out what to make out of it. It's like free-form cooking, or cooking without recipes!

And I always seem to have little bits leftover that are adding up in the fridge waiting to be eaten or dealt with because it seems there is always more coming right behind it.

So I think we either eat less than I thought, or are blessed with way more abundance than I ever realized. I'm going to go with the last thought. I think we're blessed.

1 comment:

Connie said...

We are all so blessed beyond our knowing. It's so good to stop and think about it.

I havn't seen any ripe tomatoes up this way yet - though the peppers are getting big.